We need 2,000 full-season (tickets), and we have never had 2,000 full-season (tickets). We've already done the projections for what an affiliation deal would cost, and that 2,000 number will put us in range for being a good partner for an NHL club.
Ceo Robinson
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If we didn't feel confident...we wouldn't be going through this. We have seven or eight full-time people on staff this year with no guaranteed revenue coming in. (But) I don't want to be so overconfident or arrogant that we think it's a done deal - we're going to have a really tough six months ahead of us.
— Ceo Robinson
I think it's gone well so far. We've renewed at a fairly high rate so far, and quite honestly these fans had nothing to go on. They didn't know the team name, they weren't sure exactly what was going on - today's announcement will help that. It will make people a lot more confident about what is going on and what the plan is.
— Ceo Robinson
It's not a good feeling, but at the same time, our staff worked hard and we left nothing on the table. Unfortunately, the numbers, while strong, were not where they needed to be.
— Ceo Robinson
It's not a good feeling, but at the same time, our staff worked hard and we left nothing on the table. Unfortunately, the numbers, while strong, were not where they needed to be.
— CEO Pete Robinson
I think it's gone well so far. We've renewed at a fairly high rate so far, and quite honestly these fans had nothing to go on. They didn't know the team name, they weren't sure exactly what was going on - today's announcement will help that. It will make people a lot more confident about what is going on and what the plan is.
— CEO Pete Robinson