We know what we're capable of and we want revenge. We know we're the better team but we have to play like we did when we had eight consecutive wins.
Megan Baumgardner
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Winning keeps our attitudes good and positive. Every time we win, it confirms we can when we want to.
— Megan Baumgardner
Freud's most radical legacy is the one that is the least actualized. After years of evolution on the topic, he came to the conclusion that any exclusive monosexual interest - regardless of whether it was hetero- or homosexual - was neurotic. In a sense Freud is saying what second-wave critic Kate Millet said a half-century late: "Homosexuality was invented by a straight world dealing with its own bisexuality." By the end of his writings, in 1937, Freud was downright blythe about bisexuality: "Every human being['s] . . . libido is distributed, either in a manifest or a latent fashion, over objects of both sexes.
— Jennifer Baumgardner
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
— Edward Norton
Just vengeance does not call for punishment.
— Pierre Corneille
'Tis an old tale, and often told; But did my fate and wish agree, Ne'er had been read, in story old, Of maiden true betray'd for gold, That loved, or was avenged, like me!
— Sir Walter Scott