We jumped out there trying to prepare our customers as best we could. And it's hard to decide whether you're smart using figures or not, because it's so hard to predict.
Judy Moss
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I was just trying to make something happen for our team. We were down 11 and needed something. This is a big win for us, a huge win.
— David Moss
It's February bills, not February consumption.
— Judy Moss
It's based on that consumer's use, and each month it's looking at a different 12-month period.
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We are spread too thin, trying to manage three businesses from our home in Oregon. It is very important to us that I find a way to travel less, so I can be home more with Karen and our three children.
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We were just sitting there trying to figure out what we were going to do one moment to the next, one day to the next.
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