We have to plead our own cause. Too long others have spoken for us.
George Curry
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Those of us who did it for a while probably appreciate it most, because we know how hard it is. They didn't get to this exalted status because they were lucky. Both of them know what works. Both of them have the guts to stay the course. They have the energy to convince 18-year-olds they can be part of something big.
— Bill Curry
Sean, he's been through more than all (of us). That's his dad. He's looked up to him his whole entire life. It means a lot to him and his wife and family, too. They've been through a lot. (This win) is a great reward for him.
— JamesOn Curry
It's going to take 40 minutes of the best basketball we can give. Do we have that in us? Without a shadow of a doubt. We've worked all year to get an opportunity like this.
— Kristy Curry
This is a proving ground for us. It's a great opportunity for our team to get better and start getting ready for next season.
— JamesOn Curry
We haven't launched any true business applications on Linux yet. Most of us [in the banking industry] are still kicking the tires.
— Rick Curry