We have been working to repeal this law for the past eight years. We are lobbying Congress, but Congress has not been that responsive to student demands. We [will] take it to court and get rid of the law that way.
Tom Angell
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These things tend to move forward quite slowly.
— Tom Angell
We basically say the law is unconstitutional because it punishes students twice for the same crime. Taking away access to education is not only illogical, but it is illegal.
— Tom Angell
Kicking students out will only increase drug abuse, which is the exact opposite intention of the law.
— Tom Angell
The law was intended to reduce drug use, but it causes more by kicking students out of school, which is irrational.
— Tom Angell
The government thought they could intimidate us ... they had no other choice but to give [us the information].
— Tom Angell