We compile information sent in to us by police and sheriff's offices.
Alice Erickson
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I can't say they won't be arrested. It's up to the police agency whether they arrest them on a warrant. We're just the keepers of record. We compile them and make sure to the best of our ability that they're updated.
— Alice Erickson
If (an individual) doesn't have one, we'll establish one in that name. If they have an existing one, then we verify it and add it to the record.
— Alice Erickson
They send in a fingerprint card or a misdemeanor citation with fingerprints on it. They're put into a criminal history.
— Alice Erickson
It has spurred a lot of new interest. I am getting more and more calls every day.
— Cathy Erickson
This is a big deal for hundreds of people. We'll have a good crowd at the Machine Shed, and thousands tuning their radios to 1040 AM for all the details.
— Cathy Erickson