We celebrated holidays together, ... He came over to my house all the time.
Andrew Clay
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rock 'n' roll of comedy.
— Andrew Clay
My fiancée and I became very close to him, ... He was very giving, good-natured, and never turned you down.
— Andrew Clay
Eleanor and I were fighting about her not knowing how to cook, and Freddy was sitting there watching us go at it,
— Andrew Clay
There was a coolness about him, ... He used to wear these sunglasses and these shirts that had pictures of cigars on them. He was the Tony Soprano of Mexicans.
— Andrew Clay
I don't drink to get happy or to forget the pain. I drink to stop the voices in my head. Do you know what's so bad about them, they stutter. Ddddddave... Kkkkkkikikill your papapapapaparents!!
— Andrew Clay