We can't afford to lose that bar. It's our only regular income.
Commander Elmo Norton
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We thought we had it controlled. Then Sunday, oh gosh, it was terrible. Those ceiling tiles started falling upstairs, and you could hear them when they hit the floor.
— Commander Elmo Norton
This was completely under water. They took squeegees and got the water off the floor, cleaned up as much as they could.
— Commander Elmo Norton
Now we're going to lose $5,000 of $6,000 in rentals. And if anyone needs rent money about now, it's us. On Nov. 11, we have a big insurance premium due, around $18,000.
— Commander Elmo Norton
We rode the storm out Saturday.
— Commander Elmo Norton
There is an urgent need -- in fact a national survival need -- for invigorating intellectual life, for upgrading the general regard for intellectual excellence. The United States must experience an intellectual renaissance or it will experience defeat. The time cannot be far off -- if indeed it is not already here -- when the strength of a nation, measured in terms of any kind of world competition, will depend less on the number of its bombs than on the number of its learned men.
— Elmo Roper