We as humans do not love the objects and desires of life. We are in love with the consciousness that allows the perception of the desires and objects that we seek.
Jack Tyme
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Mind is the one that wants to keep thinking. Mind is also the one that wants to stop thinking. Witness this.
— Jack Tyme
If things in this world can die, there has to be something that doesn't die.
— Jack Tyme
An Unknown
The universe spontaneously provides the moment with whatever it needs to sustain and maintain itself.
— Jack Tyme
If certain plans that you make become delayed or do not manifest the way you planned them to, realize that this is the universe's way of watching your back. Those delays are happening for a reason, inevitably for the greater good of you and the world.
— Jack Tyme
The body, mind and soul is like a bio-computer. The body is the hardware. The mind is the software, operating system and various programs. The soul (awareness) is the power that keeps the computer running.
— Jack Tyme