We always hold it on the third weekend of March, which is close to Easter, but this is a year-round passion for us, as well as a business.
Julia Smith
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The festival is going to be happening this weekend. Everyone who decides to come down is going to have a lot of fun even if it is a little drizzly.
— Julia Olin
Not only do we go to the mountains every weekend, but because we are a club we volunteer our time and complete two community projects each season.
— Julia Birnn
We were taken by complete surprise by their remarks last weekend. We felt like we wanted to make it an intellectual issue if we were allowed to.
— Geoff Smith
Dates of the big July weekend are printed on the back; however, that doesn't mean they need to come down after that weekend. We encourage businesses to display them until the celebration officially ends with the re-sealing of the time capsule.
— Georgia Smith
My preference would be the weekend when Edmonton plays.
— Janice Smith