We already had an advantage over New York and Louisiana. We have the ability to call in resources and get them in quickly.
Bonnie Reed
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We're seeing people from different social groups who've never come in before, who don't know what to do, and they're just frantic.
— Bonnie Reed
The thing that's really scary is now that we're out of the cold weather rule, a lot of the people we're seeing are coming in with average $600 gas or electric bills.
— Bonnie Reed
Oh my goodness, we've just been inundated. Since March 28, I've assisted 53 people, and that doesn't count people who are calling in just to check.
— Bonnie Reed
Oh, that was because they broke into my home, illegally without a search warrant. It happened very early in the morning before my mother and I even got up to take our medicine.
— Bonnie Reed
This an animal abuse case. This is pure and simple murder.
— Bonnie Reed