We all shower the same, dress the same and even probably eat the same.The only thing that makes me become different from everybody-else is that,I understand some common things about success.
Roger steve
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One can always labour out on the common period of life without accomplished anything.
— Roger steve
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If you can't find a real battle; you become as nothing more than just like a waves crashing against the shore.
— Roger steve
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If you want to become successful spend all of your time ‘stop waiting’.
— Roger steve
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You can’t find life fulfilment and happiness solving too many problems you’re not sure of.
— Roger steve
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PTSD is curable when one realises how the unconscious mind works and that the symptoms of PTSD are actually the unconscious mind attempting to protect the person experiencing them. With the right therapies it is possible to take a person with extreme PTSD and help them to neutralise all their painful memories and emotions permanently.
— Roger Roger