Under the law, you are obligated to have liability insurance to protect the person you might hurt. Now, they are protected in case you cause an accident.
Doug Heller
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Patients coming out panic stricken are spreading the contamination. They're gonna run. They're scared and hurt and want to get away.
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Federal law is supreme, and the state proposition, notwithstanding, is meaningless.
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Mainly what I did was scout on him, and throw the ball where he couldn't hurt me.
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He got hit in the jaw and it hurt all the way up to his ear. He was having some pain and some headaches. He probably could have played if we needed him to, but there was no sense in it.
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It's very clear to us that gas prices need to be regulated. We really need to step back and recognize that like electricity, gasoline is too vital to the economy to be left in the hands of these corporations that have been gouging us.
— Doug Heller