True Christianity consists only in pure faith, love, and an holy life; which holiness of life springing up in the soul with faith and love, hath its beginning out of TRUE CONTRITION. And this contrition is never without a knowledge of one's self, whereby we perceive daily more and more our own defects, and amend them day by day. And thereby we arrive at a participation of the righteousness and holiness of Christ by faith. Wherein if we do walk, as having the continual fear of God before us, after the example of good children and loyal subjects, we must be sure not to nourish any thing that belongs to the FLESH. 'All things are lawful for me (saith the true Christian) but all things are not expedient. All things are indeed lawful for me, but all things edify not.' For as a dutiful son in his father's house doth not all what seemeth good unto him, though it were lawful for him so to do; but warily observeth the will and pleasure of his father, and, as it were, setting him still before him, doth consult with him, before ever he say or do any thing: so a true Christian, as the child of God, will behave himself in his Father's house, which is the church of God; will not allow himself in all things lawful, but will chastize his senses with Christian moderation, and will never do or speak any thing without consulting first his Father in heaven.