Trading was nervous today; turnover improved a lot. The market is talking a lot about changes in the main index. Many say that some big companies may lose some weighing.
Andre Caminada
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The market is kind of confused. There are a lot of question marks around that are causing nervousness and investors are being more conservative.
— Andre Caminada
The third quarter corporate results are very good this time, which so far found very little reflection in stock prices. Stocks are cheap and people are buying in a calmer market to fill year-end portfolios.
— Andre Caminada
It's a scenario where everyone is nervous and pessimism creeps in. On the positive side we are looking very cheap.
— Andre Caminada
It gets better there and it gets better here, it falls there and we fall here.
— Andre Caminada
The fall in oil helped diminish some nervousness over inflation.
— Andre Caminada