Touch me till my fears are non existing. Till my mind is restored to its safe place.Till its safe to take off my running shoes and breathe.
Tanica S Hall
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Understanding me can be complex,But if you spend the time to peal away the layers of my fears,Here is when my silence is understood.
— Tanica S Hall
I am not bitter, I have just been used a bit,taken for a fool.lied to by the one i loved.I regret this not I only regret not leaving when my heart was crying for freedom
— Tanica S Hall
'' You have not lived until you made some mistakes, lost a love,been lost over love.Been broken,resealed and then cracked
— Tanica S Hall
When I cry you stay up with me at night.Before you think of yourself you think of me first.When i feel unattractive you remind me of my inner beauty.Through many mistakes you never point the finger.If i hurt you, you take me back with open arms this is Love.
— Tanica S Hall
Inner Beauty
Today i am more then just the face you see covered in makeup.My scars have been beautifully covered with prayer and self healing
— Tanica S Hall