Today A woman is one who tries to bring a man down. A man is one who has to keep that woman in check.
Apurva Gaglani
Who Is In Check
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The world that we live in is a weakness. To continuously live in an environment that weakens you, only God is your strength for survival.
— Apurva Gaglani
God Is Strength
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Don't try to bring about darkness on a Monday Don't let a Tuesday go thirsty Don't show temper to a Wednesday Don't teach a lesson to a Thursday Don't make enemies with a Friday Don't block a Saturday Don't restrict a Sunday
— Apurva Gaglani
Which Is Your Day
Pressure is showing on the BMC they want to ban a lot of things and bring down a lot of things. The latest pictures of the demolition in Khargar have not been available to the people.
— Apurva Gaglani
Pressure Is On Bmc
I always thought the school is protected The BMC does not know anything about it. I wonder how far the demolition is done in Kharghar that they are after a Hotel
— Apurva Gaglani
Confusion In Bmc
If a doctor lives, gives and swears by chance, who is the swine of a creature, the insects, the people, the doctors themselves or the different creams and chemicals brought out by the wicked that causes the diseases.
— Apurva Gaglani