To travel to success villa is not an easy feat,you are bound to meet traffic jams,speed bumps,potholes &road accidents,but the persistent will always arrive safely.
david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Success Villa
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If you wish to succeed in life,help another to succeed.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Success without belief is a vanity affair.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Success can never manifest where the people are ignorant of the word belief.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Success is never biased towards the color of your skin but it is only biased towards the passion of your beliefs.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)
Success is biased towards those that have accumulated beliefs.
— david atta (a.k.a davied attlars & mr dain)