To preserve the license, you have to look like a nursing home. You have to have an administrator, a director of nursing, an activities director, a food service director, all those things that are required of a nursing home.
Al Mollozzi
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When the state inspectors look at us, they will see that the systems are in place. You have to have a system whether you have one person or 100.
— Al Mollozzi
By the end of the month, the facility will have somewhere between three and eight residents.
— Al Mollozzi
The goal is working on preserving and protecting the nursing home's license so the new owner can come in and implement his changes and lead to the reinstatement of Medicaid and Medicare funds.
— Al Mollozzi
not good enough to be endorsed by Fox News.
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A brief digression on whether that suspicious-looking mole is actually cancer. ... Take this simple test called the ABC test. 'A' is for age. What is your age? Is it over thirteen? If so, it's cancer. That's how the ABC test works.
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