To a boyling pot flies comes not. [To a boiling pot flies come not.]
George Herbert
Related Quotes
Oh! that the memories which survive us here Were half so lovely as these wings of thine! Pure relics of a blameless life, that shine Now thou art gone.
— Charles Tennyson Turner
Baby bye Here's a fly, Let us watch him, you and I, How he crawls Up the walls Yet he never falls.
— Theodore Tilton
Busy, curious, thirsty fly, Drink with me and drink as I! Freely welcome to my cup, Could'st thou sip and sip it up; Make the most of life you may; Life is short and wears away.
— William Oldys
A fly sat on the chariot wheel And said "what a dust I raise."
— Jean de La Fontaine
I saw a flie within a beade Of amber cleanly buried.
— Robert Herrick