Three days we sat in the basement on concrete floors. We brought blankets and pillows from the room and my butt is still sore.
Fay Roberts
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I have high blood pressure medicine. She had a knee replacement.
— Fay Roberts
I've worn the same set of clothes for three days. My hair is sweaty. I don't look like this. Normally I'm very nice.
— Fay Roberts
I was a chunky little kid, and when they sat me in that wagon, it tipped backward and I banged my head on the (concrete) floor. I was howling pretty good, but Dad went outside and cried his eyes out.
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It just sat up there for a minute, but then it fell off.
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I think anyone who sat through this game for three-and-a-half hours figured it would end in that kind of way. To Matt?s credit, he hit the ball hard. I would have preferred it on the ground, but if you keep it down things like that happen sometimes.
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