Those placed in the position which I now occupy, commonly feel concern about their worthiness to receive the great honour which has been done them.
Cecil Frank Powell
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The particular features of the photographic method of detecting atomic particles enabled us to establish the existence of transient forms of matter which had escaped recognition by other methods.
— Cecil Frank Powell
How much more must this be so in my own case for I am conscious not only of the great names and achievements of those who have preceded me, but also of the living presence of many of my masters and teachers.
— Cecil Frank Powell
Any device in science is a window on to nature, and each new window contributes to the breadth of our view.
— Cecil Frank Powell
Well, maybe if you had told me that before I ate church's I'd probably wouldn't have stopped at Church's.
— Frank Powell
The story for the year is patient volumes. We had a very successful year bottom-line wise.
— Frank Powell