This will fill a gap in the market. It will upgrade the whole area, because we are building something that doesn't exist. We are trying to build a community.
Larry Feldman
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When we look at the newly constructed homes, we ask why the taxes on those homes are $15,000 to $20,000. It's because there is no tax revenue to offset the high taxes, and this plan is a start. We have to start somewhere.
— Larry Feldman
This is a unique convergence of opportunity. We worked with the community and evaluated all its concerns. After numerous discussions, we have developed a plan that is the best alternative for these two properties and one which will reduce the tax burden to the community.
— Larry Feldman
It will be perceived positively. It will improve their margins.
— Martin Feldman
A deal that the tobacco companies will sign into if there is going to be one, will involve structuring a new tax and a regulatory regime that is not really exportable.
— Martin Feldman
Now, everything will be tested. The only thing that one can say with certainty is that in the short term we're going to see a lot of uncertainty.
— Shai Feldman