This unbounded and almost incomprehensible love of God for man shows to what point the human person is worthy of being loved for himself, regardless of any other consideration -- intelligence, beauty, health, youth, integrity, etc..
Benedict Xvi
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Christianity is always called to seek justice, but it bears within the impulse of love, that goes beyond justice itself.
— Benedict Xvi
Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental truth: who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life.
— Benedict Xvi
To welcome the Redeemer in his life is for man a source of profound joy, a joy that can give peace even in times of trial. Be, therefore, servants of Truth to take the joy that God wants to give every man.
— Benedict Xvi
The service that may be offered to the faithful and non-Christian spouses who are going through difficulties would be misleading if one encouraged in them, even if only implicitly, the tendency to forget the indissolubility of the union itself. In this way, the possible intervention of the ecclesiastical institution in the causes of annulment would run the risk of becoming a simple proof of a failure.
— Benedict Xvi
These children have suffered a most violent trauma. We must help them to be able to forget the tragedy so that they will be witnesses of peace for the future of humanity.
— Benedict Xvi