This team is so different from last year's team. We're really just stepping out on our own.
Heidi Deery
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Baker is the type of player, that even if you do keep her to 15 points, she can distribute the ball better than anybody I've seen in girls basketball.
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We executed our game plan defensively, as far as I'm concerned, to a T. I had hoped that we could score 40 points on them.
— Heidi Deery
No one counted us to be there on Saturday, except for us. This bunch of girls, they believe in the program, they believe in themselves, and I'm just really proud of them.
— Heidi Deery
That's what I used. I said, 'That's a team that never gives up, and if you play every second of every minute and the other team doesn't, you will win.' That's all I kept saying.
— Heidi Deery
I don't know if she played more than seven minutes the whole game. That has happened the whole year.
— Heidi Deery