This is the first time there's been a comprehensive plan and sales tax measure for the voters in the North Bay put on that's identical for both counties.
Lillian Hames
Sales Tax
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This thing would pay for itself to the city over time. This will generate new sales tax. I don't think anything would have happened on that site. It would have sat there and decayed without the help the city has provided through this redevelopment district. If the project would have worked without the city investing $3 million, then that site would have been developed a long time ago.
— Kit Williams
Sales Tax
Every week the state puts out a new sales tax permit report that you can ask for sorted by ZIP code. We get a copy of that report to make sure that new folks coming into the city are reporting to the correct city. Every week there's an error.
— Charles Cox
Sales Tax
Over twenty years, we expect to generate about $80 million or more in sales tax revenue.
— Bob Kovitz
Sales Tax
What the town agreed to do, was share 45% of the sales tax revenue generated by the businesses there, with the developer, for about 14 years.
— Bob Kovitz
Sales Tax
The city isn't going to be the scapegoat for why this program went away. The local option sales tax was sold to us with the understanding that this money would be shared with the city and we have yet to see that happen.
— Dale Swanson
Sales Tax