Things are always best seen when they are a trifle mixed-up, a trifle disordered; the chilly administrative neatness of museums and filing cases, of statistics and cemeteries, is an inhuman and antinatural kind of order; it is, in a word, disorder.
Camilo Cela
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I write from solitude and I speak from solitude...However I did not seek solitude. I found it. And from my solitude I think, work, and live - and I believe that I write and speak with almost infinite composure and resignation. In my solitude I consta
— Camilo Cela
There are two kinds of man: the ones who make history and the ones who endure it.
— Camilo Cela
the leading figure in Spain's literary renewal during the post-war era.
— Camilo Cela
It is not difficult to write in Spanish; the Spanish language is a gift from the gods which we Spaniards take for granted. I take comfort therefore in the belief that you wished to pay tribute to a glorious language and not to the humble writer who uses it for everything it can express: the joy and the wisdom of Mankind, since literature is an art form of all and for all, although written without deference, heeding only the voiceless, anonymous murmur of a given place and time.
— Camilo Cela
For a rich and intensive prose, which with restrained compassion forms a challenging vision of man's vulnerability.
— Camilo Cela