They just won't quit competing.
Larry Zimmerman
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They don't know when to stop. Sometimes I have to force them to get out of the room, get some air and use their inhalers.
— Larry Zimmerman
This post-sale stream (takes years) with customers and it is slow to turn either way, up or down. As we continue to install units we are going to see post-sale grow, which helps earnings expansion -- it gives you more cash.
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The first two sites we settled on fell through. Fortunately, the Love's Drugs building was presented to us as an ideal spot.
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That's a good idea if they can actually get the volunteers. Because typically, it's the Haitian churches that take care of the Haitian community before and after a hurricane.
— Carolyn Zimmerman
They'll go with a small lineup with good three-point shooters and try to drive and kick it out. We've made some adjustments that we think will help against that, and we've been fine-tuning our offense. At this point in the year we've got to be able to adjust to what others teams are doing within our offense and defense.
— Sally Zimmerman