They have really helped me to just improve myself as a coach. I have applied what I have learned and I can see it has had an impact on the girls' improvement.
Kyle Woodcock
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They have been there from the start and it will be really tough to lose the three of them. I know all coaches go through that, but it will be the first time for me.
— Kyle Woodcock
We are hoping to at least win a game this year and see what happens from there. The girls have gotten a little better each year, all of them with at least 10-15 pin improvement. Some of them have improved by up to 30 pins from when they started.
— Kyle Woodcock
Historically, these esteemed institutions have been able to rely on their reputations. Now they understand that they must provide exceptional service, in addition to their clinical performance.
— Elizabeth Woodcock
I'd certainly welcome him to the upper echelon of the fashion world. I'm pleased to see it, too.
— Chandler Woodcock
We would not allow a private insurance company to not pay claims and we must not tolerate Medicaid doing the same. As governor, I will ensure Medicaid pays its bills and fix this problem once and for all.
— Chandler Woodcock