They had been watching the area for a while and they were able to tag Cannon as a dealer. When they obtained a search warrant and went to arrest him they found him sitting on his front porch.
Andrew Arrington
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We called William Grice to the stand because he said he was with Cannon the day they tried to arrest him in Montgomery to pick up his cousin. We did some research and found out that Grice was stabbed that day and he was in the hospital.
— Andrew Arrington
It is an arson because someone has burned down buildings but because we don't have all of the evidence we're still considering what the charges will be.
— Andrew Arrington
This is the first if many drug distribution cases we plan to prosecute in Hale County. If you intend to run drugs, you are going to do time in jail.
— Andrew Arrington
It really was a matter of who they were going to believe. We're they going to believe Cannon or the four police officers who were there that day to arrest him.
— Andrew Arrington
I don't want to get into too many details as to what the investigation turned up.
— Andrew Arrington