They don't have a health care system in Belize. There is only one small hospital in Belize City. Most people go their entire lives without seeing a doctor.
Emily White
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They know their stuff, and Ken knows a lot about health care.
— Emily Hall
NBCH recognizes that more employers want to move beyond treating health care as a commodity, which is what they do when price is the primary factor in their decisions. Informed employers are looking for resources to help them make use of quality and other performance metrics that are now available. The good news is that improving the quality of health care contributes to cost reduction as well. The eValue8 data is one more tool available to our members in determining the best health plan for their business and employees.
— Dennis White
She's in very good health, she's got good sight, is able to read the papers and watch television, and doesn't walk with a stick.
— Kate White
This fits in with the idea that if you have chronic inflammation someplace, you're at greater risk for negative health outcomes, in this case preterm birth,
— Raymond White
This feels great, especially since it's my senior year. It doesn't get any better than this. (Downsville's) a great team and we have a lot of respect for them.
— Emily White