They come to the Muskie Center and they have a very full, active day. It's not a baby-sitting service; it's just a wonderful program where people blossom.
Debra Silva
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We let them know about the information they can get from social service agencies and local chapters of the National Association of Geriatric Care Managers.
— Debra Seefeld
Social service
We were grateful that the city allowed us to be there so we always wanted to keep it nice and keep improving it.
— Debra Silva
It's ours now and we can improve it and we can just make more long-term plans for the center.
— Debra Silva
The first day they came in, they went through the house and covered up all the labels of brand names and set up their lights and cameras.
— Danielle Silva
He's the best human being I know, he makes me a better person every day. I'm never happier than when I'm with him.
— Debra Messing