There were 15 [boats] on Monday from Saratoga Passage to the racetrack [between Hat Island and Camano Head], and pretty much everyone got fish.
Gary Krein
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The winds were pretty strong to fish Possession Bar, but you could have fished at places like Point No Point.
— Gary Krein
We are seeing some pretty heavy damage on certain parts of the lake, especially boats traveling at a higher speed.
— Jeff Wolfe
We just want both boats to finish without breaking, and that way they're the national champions or we're the national champions. If they win it, it couldn't go to two nicer guys.
— Gary Ballough
We had a fair weekend in the Useless Bay/Double Bluff area. There was a lot of traffic up there. Everyone was obviously having trouble where they had been fishing. Saturday was good. Saturday was scratch fishing.
— Gary Krein
I've been helping fisheries keep track of the mark rate, and it has been very good. We've had a mark rate of 60 to 65 percent since it opened, and that accounts for every single fish that we've either kept or released.
— Gary Krein