There scatter'd oft the earliest of ye Year By Hands unseen are showers of Vi'lets found; The Redbreast loves to build and warble there, And little Footsteps lightly print the ground.
Thomas Gray
Related Quotes
A foot more light, a step more true, Ne'er from the heath-flower dashed the dew.
— Sir Walter Scott
The footsteps are terrifying, all coming towards you and none going back again. [Lat., Vestigia terrent Omnia te adversum spectantia, nulla retrorsum.]
— Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
But I will trace the footsteps of the chief events. [Lat., Sed summa sequar fastigia rerum.]
— Virgil or Vergil (Publius Virgilius Maro Vergil)
The grass stoops not, she treads on it so light; . . .
— William Shakespeare
The tread Of coming footsteps cheats the midnight watcher Who holds her heart and waits to hear them pause, And hears them never pause, but pass and die.
— George Eliot (pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans Cross)