There nearly always is a method in madness.
G.K. Chesterton
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Be careful how you suggest things to me. For there is in me a madness which goes beyond martyrdom, the madness of an utterly idle man.
— G.K. Chesterton
Madness does not come by breaking out, but by giving in; by settling down in some dirty, little, self-repeating circle of ideas; by being tamed.
— G.K. Chesterton
All habits are bad habits. (...) Madness does not come by breaking out, but by giving in; by settling down in some dirty, little, self-repeating circle of ideas; by being tamed.
— G.K. Chesterton
I sometimes wonder if I am mad, but then I wonder what it means to be mad. I mean, can you truly say you can define madness? Or is it just a fabricated disease for those who are too "abnormal" for the "normal".
— J. "Cylo" G.
If we feel our way into the human secrets of the sick person, the madness also reveals its system, and we recognize in the mental illness merely an exceptional reaction to emotional problems which are not strange to us.
--"The Content of the Psychoses
— C.G. Jung