[There are several major fight scenes in the film, as Matt finds himself participating in an ever-escalating series of violent confrontations and Hunnam explained how much work went into these scenes.] It's really about trying to figure out how to make it look as messy and out of control as possible, while being absolutely in control. We really didn't have any casualties at all through the course of filming. A little nick and scratch here, but for the amount of volume of fighting that we did, it's pretty amazing how little. ... This is an amazing fight choreographer, actually an American guy came over called Pat Johnson. He was the number one guy in Chuck Norris' fight team and of 198 bare knuckle fights he had throughout his career, he won 196 in knockouts. So he was definitely very familiar with the world of fighting, but completely unfamiliar with the specific world of Hooligan fighting. So I spent a lot of time with him, and obviously Lexi did also, just watching all of the tapes of fights. And this was a huge challenge for him because there's nothing at all choreographed about these fights.