The wearer knowes, where the shoe wrings. [The wearer knows best where the shoe pinches.]
George Herbert
Related Quotes
Ye tuneful cobblers! still your notes prolong, Compose at once a slipper and a song; So shall the fair your handiwork peruse, Your sonnets sure shall please--perhaps your shoes.
— Lord Byron (George Gordon Noel Byron)
. . . And holding out his shoe, asked them whether it was not new and well made. "Yet," added he, "none of you can tell where it pinches me."
— Plutarch
Remember, cobbler, to keep to your leather. [Lat., Memento, in pellicula, cerdo, tenere tuo.]
— Frederick Locker-Lampson
Oh, where did hunter win So delicate a skin For her feet? You lucky little kid, You perished, so you did, For my sweet.
— Frederick Locker-Lampson
Cinderella's lefts and rights To Geraldine's were frights, And I trow The damsel, deftly shod, Has dutifully trod Until now.
— Frederick Locker-Lampson