The water is going to keep coming in until it reaches the level of the lake. I don't know what they are going to do,
Julie Wilson
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The breach in the 17th Street canal is about 200 feet (60 meters) wide, ... The water is going to keep coming in until it reaches the level of the lake. I don't know what they are going to do.
— Julie Wilson
Certainly, its important to protect the water system and that covers, certainly, everything from vandals to terrorists.
— James Wilson
Once that water is used, it's not going to come back. Whether it's better to use it now or save it for tomorrow is where you get the debate.
— Brownie Wilson
Once that water is used, it's not going to come back. But water users don't want to be restricted -- they want to be paid to stop.
— Brownie Wilson
The newspaper employees and their families were hurriedly rushed to the backs of newspaper trucks, with the water coming right up to the loading dock as they fled.
— Julie Buchanan