The un follow button on facebook is heavenly! We can still be frieds & i don av 2 put up with your crap!!
linus gitari
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Worry less, ask more, Pray about everything...God Always Provides...
— linus gitari
African governments instead of investing their money on researching and developing their own medicines to cure major diseases we invest in our leaders pockets..then we blame the west for not helping us.. and that local poor citizen is the one who shouts the most in defense of these terrible creatures Called presidents!
— linus gitari
African Politics
So many gorillas out there of different colors,,,black, white etc.. but its only the wisest of women who will be able to make/turn them into responsible husbands
— linus gitari
Its only when you Clean your doorstep that you have the right to criticize your friends for not visiting
— linus gitari
Can someone please kidnap the 2 blue holly ticks on whatsapp that shows text has been read.... Am consciously being driven to Sin by an app!
— linus gitari