The transformation of the business continues to deliver value to our customers and shareholders. Broadband growth continues to be very strong with the number of BT Wholesale connections now standing at more than seven million.
Ben Verwaayen
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opens the door for us.
— Ben Verwaayen
They are really easy people to deal with, really relaxed.
— Ben Verwaayen
She has the capabilities. She knows the industry.
— Ben Verwaayen
Broadband growth continues to be very strong with the number of BT Wholesale connections now standing at more than seven million. This is pushing the UK to the front of Europe in broadband take up.
— Ben Verwaayen
Broadband growth continues to be very strong with the number of BT Wholesale connections now standing at more than seven million. This is pushing the UK to the front of Europe in broadband take-up.
— Ben Verwaayen