The Rossi Explorer is a powerful tool to probe the environs of black holes and neutron stars. It has been thrilling to join my colleagues in so many discoveries.
Deepto Chakrabarty
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Bruno Rossi was a giant at MIT, and as an MIT professor, I am humbled to receive an award named in his honor.
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This disk looks remarkably like those also seen around ordinary young stars in which planets are known to form.
— Deepto Chakrabarty
Suppose you form a neutron star that is close to the upper limit. If enough stuff falls back, it'll push the star over this limit and a black hole will form.
— Deepto Chakrabarty
It's like throwing a baseball straight up into the air. Unless you're throwing it really, really fast, it's eventually going to fall back down on you.
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— Deepto Chakrabarty