The PA Interior Ministry is playing the role of the
Mahmoud Abbas
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We will not allow the state of lawlessness, the disorder of weapons, taking law into one's hands, kidnapping and attacks on government institutions and state land to continue, ... No one is above the law.
— Mahmoud Abbas
We will miss him as a distinguished religious figure, who devoted his life to defending the values of peace, freedom and equality. He defended the rights of Palestinians, their freedom and independence.
— Mahmoud Abbas
From here, from this place, our nation and our masses are walking toward the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
— Mahmoud Abbas
We agreed in Cairo on a collective truce and the retaliation, therefore, should be collective, too, because this is an Israeli carnage, the result of which must be shared by all parties.
— Mahmoud Abbas
There will be a procedure to present the government to parliament for discussion and approval.
— Mahmoud Abbas