The market has slowed a little bit, but the housing industry is still booming. We're still building homes.
Joe Sinagra
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Charity begins at home, but many of our citizens are on the verge of no longer having a place to call home.
— Joe Sinagra
It appears that the Democrats have had control in the state, county and local level for some time now, if tax cuts were the issue, they could have been cut long before the 2007 elections.
— Joe Sinagra
Middlesex County
New Jersey
The season was to end with the patriotic song "Stars and Stripes Forever." Possibly, another reason is not that the concerts are not as important to the city as they had been, there just are not enough patriots left with enough money to pay and listen to it.
— Joe Sinagra
Middlesex County
New Jersey
New Jersey legislature needs to represent the people that elected them to office. It is an insult to ask the taxpayers of New Jersey to tighten their belts year after year, while the pork barrel spending is rampant.
— Joe Sinagra
Joseph Sinagra
Homeowners have seen their property taxes increase, but yet will still vote strictly because of party affiliation, even if it means less disposable income in their pocket.
— Joe Sinagra
Joseph Sinagra