The idea was to get a number of artists from different regions and cultural backgrounds together in the Top End. We wanted to make it a women's project because of indigenous women's association with plants.
Angus Cameron
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The artists were referring to their own traditions, but because of the melting pot of the group they moved beyond that as well.
— Angus Cameron
We really wanted each artist to respond from their own practice, so the images have a commonality of the experience and the subject matter and the etching process, and also the diversity of the artists' background.
— Angus Cameron
But being an island, there's only one way on and one way off.
— Angus Cameron
I saw all the women and I figured that looked good. I was horney. I got a guitar off my brother and started playing anything.
— Angus Young
I'm sick and tired of people saying that we put out 11 albums that sound exactly the same. In fact, we've put out 12 albums that sound exactly the same.
— Angus Young