The first ever book to be published on a printing press was the Bible and we're doing the same thing here with text messaging,
George Rodriguez
The Bible
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We've been careful to stay true to the Bible. We didn't want to alter its message in any way and we never abbreviated any names. The response has been amazing.
— George Rodriguez
The Bible
We've been careful to stay true to the Bible. We didn't want to alter its message in any way and we never abbreviated any names,
— George Rodriguez
The Bible
We are a Bible preaching and Bible teaching church. Pastor Schwartz is a wonderful preacher. He teaches that the Bible is the word and doesn't mince words about telling it like it is in the Bible.
— George Leavell
The Bible
The Bible said to take care of thy neighbor, so if I see my neighbor's house being broken into I will step in, but Mexico is not a good neighbor. They are breaking into our home.
— Bob Masling
The Bible
The Bible of Photojournalism
— Harold Evans
The Bible