[Speaking of inspiration, the Bible has long been a source of rich stories that emphasize the importance of faith. The Prodigal Son has been one of the most trusted parables in the Good Book, used extensively in Westerns and war, but not from the perspective of a church background, with a plot tweak that pits former best friends against each other in so dramatic a way. Packer recognized this early as the storyline unfolded:] It's about really having the inner fortitude to overcome anything that's in front of you, and doing that with the help of God. It's a faith-based, inspiration-themed film, one we've wanted to do for some time. ... You see the character Boris plays of David, who's raised in the church, goes away, gets into a life of fame, money, women, wealth, drugs and sex. As he journeys back, it's the redemption that he finds, it's the hope that he finds, it's the salvation that he finds.
— Holly Davis
FaithInspirationThe Bible