The basic message is that global warming is already causing species extinctions and a lot of them.
J. Alan Pounds
Global Warming
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Global warming is wreaking havoc on amphibians and will cause staggering losses of biodiversity if we don't do something fast.
— J. Alan Pounds
Global Warming
This winter makes global warming seem more real.
— Bud Gehring
Global Warming
The ocean is like this black box. We just don't know what's going on out there. Is it global warming? Is it pollution? Predators?
— Brodie Antipa
Global Warming
These studies each quantify, in a variety of ways, the risks we are already dealing with in the global warming that is clearly well under way.
— Gary Yohe
Global Warming
We're not convinced that global warming is playing an important role yet, or if at all, in this era of increased activity.
— Gerry Bell
Global Warming