The acute hospital sector does not have the sex appeal that people have been waiting for. Yet, it's a reliable sector that does not have across-the-board saturation.
David Menlow
Sex appeal
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I haven't said sex appeal, ... People have defaulted to that.
— Ty Votaw
Sex appeal
Diana had the combination of status and sex appeal which made her more starry than a movie star. Camilla scrubs up well but it takes an army of make-up artists and dress designers. Diana had it naturally.
— Judy Wade
Sex appeal
There's going to be more sex appeal to the next line of Toyota products.
— Joseph Barker
Sex appeal
The guy's the real deal. He obviously had the stage presence and the sex appeal and all that sort of stuff. But it was definitely (different) when he did Pretty Vegas and it stood out as a great song.
— Garry Beers
Sex appeal
Sexiness is all in the eye of the beholder. I think it should be. Absolutely. My sex appeal, whatever it might be, isn't obvious... at least to me.
— Sharon Tate
Sex appeal