Texarkana Resources for the Disabled is an agency that provides employment opportunities and training as well as housing assistance to the disabled.
Don Capshaw
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We lifted it completely. We decided there were so many exemptions that had been carved out over the years that it was getting harder for a volunteer board to supervise and enforce. We're going to give it a try and see if it affects the campaign. If it conflicts with the campaign, we'll obviously revisit the issue.
— Don Capshaw
The process started back in summer. We've talked about these things and carried them out. Number one was developing a Website where we could put all of our information out there and we've done that.
— Don Capshaw
We have also cleaned up the issue of the conflict issue, not only with our staff but with board members, being involved with organization that might be a conflict.
— Don Capshaw
This organization is viewed as a necessary conduit for the collection and distribution of food to communitywide agencies and organizations, which provide daily meals to the hungry and impoverished.
— Don Capshaw
This agency is located in a low-income area in Texarkana, Arkansas, and provides day care for children of individuals who are working or going to school and who cannot otherwise afford day care for their children.
— Don Capshaw