Terrorists love a vacuum. I know that from my own experience in Northern Ireland. And it's the same throughout the world.
John Reid
Northern ireland
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This isn't just an award to David Trimble and myself. It's an award to all the people of Northern Ireland and to all the parties that have participated in the peace process and to both governments.
— John Hume
Northern ireland
It is also perhaps fitting that here in Northern Ireland a good part of our discussions focused on the Middle East,
— Tony Blair
Northern ireland
Yet here we are for all the difficulties in Northern Ireland able to point back to real improvements in the security and the standards of living,
— Tony Blair
Northern ireland
This year, 2006, is a very decisive year for Northern Ireland.
— Tony Blair
Northern ireland
It is important to remember that this was not across the province. It was isolated. Most of Northern Ireland got on with its life untroubled by these very serious issues,
— Hugh Orde
Northern ireland